数字时代的商务英语写作(对外经济贸易大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m94472



Unit 1 Introduction: What Is Business English Writing? 引言: 何为商务英语写作 第一单元测验

1、 Business communication has become more challenging than ever before, because of

答案: all of the above

2、 Which of the following represents a goal for business writers?

答案: You should get your audience to believe and accept your ideas.

3、 Which of the following describes the language feature of business writing?

答案: plain language and familiar words

4、 When preparing a business message, you should make your writing audience oriented. Audience oriented means you should

答案: concentrate on looking at the problem from the receiver’s perspective.

5、 Business writing should be purposeful. In this context purposeful can best be defined as

答案: solving problems and conveying information.

6、 Business writing should be economical. In this context economical can best be defined as

答案: presenting ideas clearly and concisely.

7、 A business message should be long because quantity enhances quality.

答案: 错误
分析:Business messages should be clear but concise. Business does not reward length in messages. Instead, conciseness and clarity are what count in business.

8、 When you compose a business messages, you often need to cater for several levels of readership.

答案: 正确
分析:Business messages must cater for several levels of readership. One single message could aim at, for example, senior management, local management, technical & other operatives, and customers.

9、 One important purpose of writing a business message is to impress your reader and demonstrate your language competence by using big words and long complex sentences. 

答案: 错误
分析:Business messages are written to express, not to impress. They are written to make one act and respond to your message promptly. Therefore, plain language and familiar words are preferred.

Unit 2 Business Writing Process 商务英语写作过程 第二单元测验

1、 Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ____ stage of the writing process.

答案: revising

2、 The primary purpose of business writing is typically to inform or persuade; a common secondary purpose is to__

答案: promote goodwill

3、 You are selecting a channel for sending your message. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when making this decision?

答案: Your competitors’ channel use

4、 Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job changes will require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel for Ms. Siu to deliver this message is

答案: face-to-face communication

5、 What question should you ask to visualize your audience?

答案: All answer choices are questions you should ask to visualize your audience.

6、 Neil must develop a proposal for his supervisor that will describe the cost savings for an automated call center. Where should he begin?

答案: Researching the proposal

7、 Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business document(s)?

答案: Long reports and complex business problems

8、 Quality Building Materials Inc. has developed a new whole-house weather blanket and needs to determine the price point at which builders would switch to this new product. The best research method for this is a(n)

答案: scientific experiment that presents price choices with controlled variables

9、 Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?

答案: An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting

10、 Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-mail message announcing a new telecommuting plan?

答案: Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.

11、 What is a comma splice?

答案: Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction

12、 Which of the following contains no sentence faults?

答案: HealthNet’s coverage is extensive, and the rates are fair.

13、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates concise writing?

答案: Cherrie Hull will be our interim director effective May 1.

14、 Which of the following best avoids flabby expressions?

答案: Although many employees have requested training, we can’t afford the   extra expense.

15、 Which of the following best avoids a long lead-in?

答案: Yes, we will send the information you requested.

16、 Which of the following sentences avoids noun conversion?

答案: The scholarship committee approved the plan.

17、 Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

答案: Sheila will examine the job proposal carefully.

18、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates clear writing?

答案: Lindsey Goulet asked production employees to work on Saturday.

19、 Which of the following sentences contains the best use of vivid adjectives without overkill?

答案: The resort offered luxurious suites with Jacuzzi tubs and saunas.

20、 Which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly?

答案: To take advantage of the discounted pricing, place your order   immediately.

21、 Shannon is writing a proposal to the board of directors to upgrade the company’s computer equipment. After completing the prewriting phase, Shannon should immediately start composing the report.

答案: 错误

22、 To be effective, the three phases of the writing process must be performed in sequence, moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2 to Phase 3 in order.

答案: 错误

23、 Roy needs to get feedback from sales representatives located across the US and Europe. Because he needs to have the most interactivity and feedback possible, the best channel of communication for Roy is videoconferencing or audioconferencing. 

答案: 正确

24、  Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message.

答案: 错误

25、 Most routine business writing tasks allow you to use informal research techniques to gather sufficient information.

答案: 正确

26、 Words such as although, as, because, and which often introduce dependent clauses.

答案: 正确

27、 The following sentence contains a dangling or misplaced modifier: Working all night, the brief was filed with the court on time.

答案: 正确

28、 In view of the fact that is more concise than in light of this information

答案: 错误

29、 There are several excellent reasons to consider purchasing our new OfficeDataPro software. This sentence is clear and concise.

答案: 错误

30、 The following sentence demonstrates effective business writing: Our purchasing department will give consideration to the RFP submitted by Powertex.

答案: 错误

Unit 3 Business Writing Techniques 商务英语写作技巧 第三单元测验

1、 Which of the following sentences best focuses on the audience?

答案: Register now to lock in your preferred travel dates.

2、 Debbie must inform Janice that she is not eligible to have an August vacation for which she recently applied. Which of the following sentences best demonstrates the “you” view Debbie should use in denying Janice’s application?

答案: Although the August vacation schedule is full, you may qualify for a vacation in September if you apply now.

3、 Marketing Director Kiprova will inform the board of directors that customers are not responding positively to the company’s Paris Hilton ads. Which of the following is the most appropriate announcement?

答案: At the meeting you will receive reports on recent customer criticism of the new Paris Hilton ads.

4、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: Your proposal demonstrates how our call center can better meet the needs of our customers.

5、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: Enclosed is our latest catalog.

6、 Business writers are encouraged to use plain English, which means

答案: using active-voice verbs, personal pronouns, short sentences, and familiar words.

7、 Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

答案: Please check with your supervisor for information about salary increases.

8、 Which of the following represents the best business writing?

答案: You can return all resalable merchandise for a store credit.

9、 Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: The office personnel will assist you with your forms.

10、 Joyce is writing an article for the company’s intranet to encourage managers to use plain English. Which of these sentences uses an appropriate business style to express Joyce’s point?

答案: Employees will respond better if you write e-mail messages with familiar language and a friendly, conversational style.

11、 To emphasize an idea through style, place it

答案: in a simple sentence.

12、 Which of the following sentences is most effective in de-emphasizing the bad news?

答案: Although cash refunds are not offered, you can exchange resalable merchandise.

13、 When should passive voice be used in business writing?

答案: When you want to de-emphasize negative news

14、 Which of the following uses parallel structure?

答案: Big business demands superior forecasting, reporting, and analyzing.

15、 Which of the following statements regarding bulleted or numbered lists is accurate?

答案: Lists allow readers to review main ideas quickly.

16、 When creating a bulleted or numbered list,

答案: express all ideas similarly.

17、 Rachael used a bulleted list on her résumé to describe his previous job duties. Which of the following items from her list does not demonstrate parallel structure?

答案: Troubleshooting of plant’s chemical equipment

18、 Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: A record number of Japanese investors are purchasing real estate in the United States.

19、 Create a conversational but professional tone in letters, e-mail messages, instant messages, and memos by

答案: using familiar words, occasional contractions, and pronouns such as you and I.

20、 Business messages should use positive language rather than negative language. Positive language

答案: tells what is and what can be done.

21、 To emphasize the “you” view in e-mail messages, you must avoid any phrases that include the “I/we” view such as I’m happy or We’re delighted.

答案: 错误

22、 The following sentence represents an audience focus: Our product guarantee becomes effective after we receive full payment.

答案: 错误

23、 The active voice is generally preferred in business writing.

答案: 正确

24、 Monica is writing her first safety-inspection report. To sound businesslike and professional, Monica should include expressions such as the affected party, the undersigned, and the writer.

答案: 错误

25、 The sentence You must submit your application by Friday is a more effective business message than Please submit your application by Friday.

答案: 错误

26、 Every mechanic has ten minutes for his morning break is an effectively written sentence.

答案: 错误

27、 Mechanical techniques to emphasize important ideas include underlining, italics, boldface, font changes, all caps, dashes, tabulation, columns, and headings. 

答案: 正确

28、  The following sentence effectively uses a stylistic device to de-emphasize the bad news: Although we don’t have any available positions at this time, we were pleased to receive your application and will keep it on file for six months.

答案: 正确

29、 Active voice is more direct, clear, and concise. Therefore, passive voice should never be used in business writing.

答案: 错误

30、 The following sentence demonstrates parallel structure: Eric demonstrated dedication, effective communication skills, and he was always punctual.

答案: 错误

Unit 4 Routine and Informative Business Messages 日常信息性沟通 第四单元测验

1、 Which of the following statements best describes the use of letters, e-mails, and memos in business today?

答案: Despite the popularity of e-mail, in certain situations letters remain the preferred channel of communication for delivering messages outside an organization.

2、 In which of the following situations should you send a letter instead of an e-mail message?

答案: You are asking leading members of the community to contribute to a fundraising event to improve local parks.

3、 In the popular block letter format, which of the following guidelines apply?

答案: Start all lines at the left margin.

4、 Which parts of your letters are readers likely to find most interesting and read first?

答案: Opening and closing

5、 One of the best ways to open a direct request that is likely to be granted is a(an)

答案: question or polite command.

6、 Which of the following is an effective opening for a routine information request letter?

答案: Please answer the following questions about your Web hosting services.

7、 Marcus has five questions to ask his reader in a routine information request letter. What is the best way to present these questions?

答案: In a bulleted or numbered list in the body of his letter

8、 The body of a routine request letter presents

答案: details explaining your request.

9、 End dates and specific actions in a routine request letter should be placed in the

答案: closing.

10、 Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in a routine action request letter?

答案: Please send a contract for heating and ventilation work by April 1 to allow installation to begin by April 15.

11、 Which of these is the best advice when preparing an e-mail responding to a request?

答案: If a policy or procedure presented in your response needs authorization, seek approval from a supervisor or executive before writing.

12、 A subject line in a direct reply letter

答案: generally refers in abbreviated form to previous correspondence and/or summarizes a message.

13、 Which of the following is the most effective opening sentence for a direct reply letter?

答案: Yes, we can put together a corporate travel package that will meet your needs and fit your budget.

14、 Shannon is writing a direct reply letter to a potential client. In the body of the letter, she will be answering several questions and wants her responses to be logical and readable. What should she do?

答案: Place the answers in a numbered or bulleted list.

15、 Which of the following sentences most effectively presents promotional materials in a letter responding to a customer inquiry?

答案: You will find that our top-selling host gift baskets not only welcome your guests but also save you money and time compared to individually purchasing and assembling your host baskets on site.

16、 Kim is following the three-part plan to write a direct claim letter about a problem with her digital communication service bundle. What should she put in her opening?

答案: A clear description of the desired action

17、 Which of the following openings is most appropriate for a direct claim letter?

答案: Please process a refund for $68 to reimburse us the amount we were overcharged for our banquet.

18、 Joaquin will use the three-step writing plan for his direct claim letter. In the body of the letter, Joaquin will

答案: identify enclosed copies of all pertinent documents.

19、 Which of the following is the most appropriate opening for an adjustment letter granting a claim?

答案: The enclosed check for $78, which covers the cost of your dinner, demonstrates our desire to satisfy our customers and earn their confidence.

20、 Which of the following represents the most appropriate apology for an adjustment letter?

答案: We understand your reliance on a high-performance router and apologize for the incomplete installation of your DataServe router.

21、 Most of the workplace messages you write will likely deal with routine matters that require straightforward answers using the indirect method.

答案: 错误

22、 In block letter style, headings are flush left, but paragraphs and some other elements are indented.

答案: 错误

23、 You will sound more professional and sincere if you include a sentence such as Thank you for your cooperation in the closing paragraph of an information- request letter.

答案: 错误

24、 Jane’s letter will respond to a customer inquiry. Her letter should not only answer the questions but also promote her business and its products and services.

答案: 正确

25、 I have before me your e-mail inquiry dated October 9 is an effective opening for a direct reply letter.

答案: 错误

26、  If you must provide large amounts of data or answer many questions in your direct reply letter, make your letter more readable with graphic devices such as lists, tables, headings, boldface, or italics.

答案: 正确

27、 When writing a direct reply letter to a customer, refer only to the product in question. Mentioning other products would be considered rude and presumptuous.

答案: 错误

28、 Do not hesitate to contact me is an effective example of closing pleasantly in a direct reply letter.

答案: 错误

29、 If the remedy for your claim is not obvious, use the indirect pattern in your claim letter. 

答案: 错误

30、 If you are responding favorably to your customer’s claim, the best opening is an apology.

答案: 错误

Unit 5 Persuasive Messages 第五章 说服性写作 第五单元测验

1、 Tanya is planning a persuasive message. What should she do in her opening?

答案: Ask a stimulating question.

2、 When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, you should place the reasons and explanations

答案: before the main idea.

3、 Professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy in their sales letters because it is effective. What does AIDA represent?

答案: Attention, interest, desire, and action

4、 In the body of your persuasive message, you will reduce resistance by

答案: anticipating arguments and offering counterarguments.

5、 Roy needs to write a persuasive message to his boss. What would you tell Roy to place in his closing?

答案: Motivate your boss to take action.

6、 Which of the following messages would most likely require the indirect strategy to persuade?

答案: Requesting favors and action from coworkers

7、 Select the most effective opening for a persuasive letter that invites a state representative to speak at your organization’s Flag Day celebration.

答案: Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of life across our state.

8、 Choose the best closing for a message persuading the president of your organization to accept your benefits proposal.

答案: Contacting me by December 1 about your support of this new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.

9、 Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization?

答案: Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closings

10、 You want to propose a workplace change to your employer. Which of these is the best advice for you?

答案: Focus on how much money the proposed change will save the company.

11、 Which of the following messages to subordinates would use a direct approach instead of an indirect or persuasive strategy?

答案: Instructions to operate the new phone system installed in all offices

12、 Graciella is making a persuasive complaint at work. Which of these sentences will be most effective in achieving her goal?

答案: For the past two weeks, fax machine No. 223- 51 has been unavailable to complete essential business for 25 of our employees due to incomplete service. Please ensure our equipment is repaired by Friday.

13、 Mikhail’s claim has been denied once. Now, he is writing a second persuasive claim letter to his digital media services company asking for a promised rebate package. Because he expects resistance, what should he do?

答案: Appeal to the receiver’s sense of responsibility and pride in the company’s good name.

14、 The opener for a sales message should be

答案: stimulating, relevant, honest, and short (1-5 lines).

15、 Techniques to elicit audience desire and overcome reader resistance in a marketing message include all of the following except

答案: application forms.

16、 Which of the following is the most effective emotional appeal?

答案: Surround yourself in the uncompromising safety and luxury of a Lincoln¾because you’ve earned it.

17、 Use an emotional appeal when the

答案: product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

18、 Which of the following most effectively illustrates reader benefits and elicits desire?

答案: Going on a walking tour of Europe will allow you to visit small villages, meet and converse with the locals, and dine on authentic cuisine.

19、 Which of the following illustrates a testimonial?

答案: After completing your training, I received job offers from three interviews in one week!

20、 Which of the following is the most effective closing for a sales message?

答案: If your sales don’t increase at least 10 percent after your salespeople complete our “Closing the Deal” training, you get a full refund. Use our toll-free number to call me by August 1 and begin training on September 1.

21、 You will need to use persuasion if you anticipate resistance or if you must prepare before you can present your ideas effectively.

答案: 正确

22、 In an invitation to speak at your college honor society meeting, you tell the reader that she will be providing inspiration to current business students and future business owners. You are using an indirect benefit to persuade your reader.

答案: 正确

23、 Directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually follow the indirect pattern.

答案: 错误

24、 Your claim message will be most effective if you make a reasonable and valid request, present a logical case with clear facts, and display some anger and emotion.

答案: 错误

25、 Michelle needs to sell her idea to remodel their business waiting room to her boss. Michelle is more likely to succeed if she can base her argument on saving or earning money. 

答案: 正确

26、 You will receive a free one-year subscription to Netflix when you purchase any Sony flat-panel television is an example of a rational appeal.

答案: 正确

27、 Because postscripts make letters appear poorly organized and unprofessional, you should avoid adding them to sales letters.

答案: 错误

28、 Your e-mail sales message must have a formal, concise, clear subject line such as Price List Fall 2014 From Parker and Parker.

答案: 错误

29、 Testimonials used in your online sales message are best sprinkled throughout the copy.

答案: 正确

30、 An effective technique when writing a persuasive claim letter is to suggest that the reader intentionally created the problem.

答案: 错误







Unit 1 Introduction: What Is Business English Writing? 引言: 何为商务英语写作 第一单元测验

1、 Business communication has become more challenging than ever before, because of

答案: all of the above

2、 Which of the following represents a goal for business writers?

答案: You should get your audience to believe and accept your ideas.

3、 Which of the following describes the language feature of business writing?

答案: plain language and familiar words

4、 When preparing a business message, you should make your writing audience oriented. Audience oriented means you should

答案: concentrate on looking at the problem from the receiver’s perspective.

5、 Business writing should be purposeful. In this context purposeful can best be defined as

答案: solving problems and conveying information.

6、 Business writing should be economical. In this context economical can best be defined as

答案: presenting ideas clearly and concisely.

7、 A business message should be long because quantity enhances quality.

答案: 错误
分析:Business messages should be clear but concise. Business does not reward length in messages. Instead, conciseness and clarity are what count in business.

8、 When you compose a business messages, you often need to cater for several levels of readership.

答案: 正确
分析:Business messages must cater for several levels of readership. One single message could aim at, for example, senior management, local management, technical & other operatives, and customers.

9、 One important purpose of writing a business message is to impress your reader and demonstrate your language competence by using big words and long complex sentences. 

答案: 错误
分析:Business messages are written to express, not to impress. They are written to make one act and respond to your message promptly. Therefore, plain language and familiar words are preferred.

Unit 2 Business Writing Process 商务英语写作过程 第二单元测验

1、 Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ____ stage of the writing process.

答案: revising

2、 The primary purpose of business writing is typically to inform or persuade; a common secondary purpose is to__

答案: promote goodwill

3、 You are selecting a channel for sending your message. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when making this decision?

答案: Your competitors’ channel use

4、 Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job changes will require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel for Ms. Siu to deliver this message is

答案: face-to-face communication

5、 What question should you ask to visualize your audience?

答案: All answer choices are questions you should ask to visualize your audience.

6、 Neil must develop a proposal for his supervisor that will describe the cost savings for an automated call center. Where should he begin?

答案: Researching the proposal

7、 Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business document(s)?

答案: Long reports and complex business problems

8、 Quality Building Materials Inc. has developed a new whole-house weather blanket and needs to determine the price point at which builders would switch to this new product. The best research method for this is a(n)

答案: scientific experiment that presents price choices with controlled variables

9、 Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?

答案: An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting

10、 Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-mail message announcing a new telecommuting plan?

答案: Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.

11、 What is a comma splice?

答案: Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction

12、 Which of the following contains no sentence faults?

答案: HealthNet’s coverage is extensive, and the rates are fair.

13、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates concise writing?

答案: Cherrie Hull will be our interim director effective May 1.

14、 Which of the following best avoids flabby expressions?

答案: Although many employees have requested training, we can’t afford the   extra expense.

15、 Which of the following best avoids a long lead-in?

答案: Yes, we will send the information you requested.

16、 Which of the following sentences avoids noun conversion?

答案: The scholarship committee approved the plan.

17、 Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

答案: Sheila will examine the job proposal carefully.

18、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates clear writing?

答案: Lindsey Goulet asked production employees to work on Saturday.

19、 Which of the following sentences contains the best use of vivid adjectives without overkill?

答案: The resort offered luxurious suites with Jacuzzi tubs and saunas.

20、 Which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly?

答案: To take advantage of the discounted pricing, place your order   immediately.

21、 Shannon is writing a proposal to the board of directors to upgrade the company’s computer equipment. After completing the prewriting phase, Shannon should immediately start composing the report.

答案: 错误

22、 To be effective, the three phases of the writing process must be performed in sequence, moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2 to Phase 3 in order.

答案: 错误

23、 Roy needs to get feedback from sales representatives located across the US and Europe. Because he needs to have the most interactivity and feedback possible, the best channel of communication for Roy is videoconferencing or audioconferencing. 

答案: 正确

24、  Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message.

答案: 错误

25、 Most routine business writing tasks allow you to use informal research techniques to gather sufficient information.

答案: 正确

26、 Words such as although, as, because, and which often introduce dependent clauses.

答案: 正确

27、 The following sentence contains a dangling or misplaced modifier: Working all night, the brief was filed with the court on time.

答案: 正确

28、 In view of the fact that is more concise than in light of this information

答案: 错误

29、 There are several excellent reasons to consider purchasing our new OfficeDataPro software. This sentence is clear and concise.

答案: 错误

30、 The following sentence demonstrates effective business writing: Our purchasing department will give consideration to the RFP submitted by Powertex.

答案: 错误

Unit 3 Business Writing Techniques 商务英语写作技巧 第三单元测验

1、 Which of the following sentences best focuses on the audience?

答案: Register now to lock in your preferred travel dates.

2、 Debbie must inform Janice that she is not eligible to have an August vacation for which she recently applied. Which of the following sentences best demonstrates the “you” view Debbie should use in denying Janice’s application?

答案: Although the August vacation schedule is full, you may qualify for a vacation in September if you apply now.

3、 Marketing Director Kiprova will inform the board of directors that customers are not responding positively to the company’s Paris Hilton ads. Which of the following is the most appropriate announcement?

答案: At the meeting you will receive reports on recent customer criticism of the new Paris Hilton ads.

4、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: Your proposal demonstrates how our call center can better meet the needs of our customers.

5、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: Enclosed is our latest catalog.

6、 Business writers are encouraged to use plain English, which means

答案: using active-voice verbs, personal pronouns, short sentences, and familiar words.

7、 Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

答案: Please check with your supervisor for information about salary increases.

8、 Which of the following represents the best business writing?

答案: You can return all resalable merchandise for a store credit.

9、 Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: The office personnel will assist you with your forms.

10、 Joyce is writing an article for the company’s intranet to encourage managers to use plain English. Which of these sentences uses an appropriate business style to express Joyce’s point?

答案: Employees will respond better if you write e-mail messages with familiar language and a friendly, conversational style.

11、 To emphasize an idea through style, place it

答案: in a simple sentence.

12、 Which of the following sentences is most effective in de-emphasizing the bad news?

答案: Although cash refunds are not offered, you can exchange resalable merchandise.

13、 When should passive voice be used in business writing?

答案: When you want to de-emphasize negative news

14、 Which of the following uses parallel structure?

答案: Big business demands superior forecasting, reporting, and analyzing.

15、 Which of the following statements regarding bulleted or numbered lists is accurate?

答案: Lists allow readers to review main ideas quickly.

16、 When creating a bulleted or numbered list,

答案: express all ideas similarly.

17、 Rachael used a bulleted list on her résumé to describe his previous job duties. Which of the following items from her list does not demonstrate parallel structure?

答案: Troubleshooting of plant’s chemical equipment

18、 Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?

答案: A record number of Japanese investors are purchasing real estate in the United States.

19、 Create a conversational but professional tone in letters, e-mail messages, instant messages, and memos by

答案: using familiar words, occasional contractions, and pronouns such as you and I.

20、 Business messages should use positive language rather than negative language. Positive language

答案: tells what is and what can be done.

21、 To emphasize the “you” view in e-mail messages, you must avoid any phrases that include the “I/we” view such as I’m happy or We’re delighted.

答案: 错误

22、 The following sentence represents an audience focus: Our product guarantee becomes effective after we receive full payment.

答案: 错误

23、 The active voice is generally preferred in business writing.

答案: 正确

24、 Monica is writing her first safety-inspection report. To sound businesslike and professional, Monica should include expressions such as the affected party, the undersigned, and the writer.

答案: 错误

25、 The sentence You must submit your application by Friday is a more effective business message than Please submit your application by Friday.

答案: 错误

26、 Every mechanic has ten minutes for his morning break is an effectively written sentence.

答案: 错误

27、 Mechanical techniques to emphasize important ideas include underlining, italics, boldface, font changes, all caps, dashes, tabulation, columns, and headings. 

答案: 正确

28、  The following sentence effectively uses a stylistic device to de-emphasize the bad news: Although we don’t have any available positions at this time, we were pleased to receive your application and will keep it on file for six months.

答案: 正确

29、 Active voice is more direct, clear, and concise. Therefore, passive voice should never be used in business writing.

答案: 错误

30、 The following sentence demonstrates parallel structure: Eric demonstrated dedication, effective communication skills, and he was always punctual.

答案: 错误

Unit 4 Routine and Informative Business Messages 日常信息性沟通 第四单元测验

1、 Which of the following statements best describes the use of letters, e-mails, and memos in business today?

答案: Despite the popularity of e-mail, in certain situations letters remain the preferred channel of communication for delivering messages outside an organization.

2、 In which of the following situations should you send a letter instead of an e-mail message?

答案: You are asking leading members of the community to contribute to a fundraising event to improve local parks.

3、 In the popular block letter format, which of the following guidelines apply?

答案: Start all lines at the left margin.

4、 Which parts of your letters are readers likely to find most interesting and read first?

答案: Opening and closing

5、 One of the best ways to open a direct request that is likely to be granted is a(an)

答案: question or polite command.

6、 Which of the following is an effective opening for a routine information request letter?

答案: Please answer the following questions about your Web hosting services.

7、 Marcus has five questions to ask his reader in a routine information request letter. What is the best way to present these questions?

答案: In a bulleted or numbered list in the body of his letter

8、 The body of a routine request letter presents

答案: details explaining your request.

9、 End dates and specific actions in a routine request letter should be placed in the

答案: closing.

10、 Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in a routine action request letter?

答案: Please send a contract for heating and ventilation work by April 1 to allow installation to begin by April 15.

11、 Which of these is the best advice when preparing an e-mail responding to a request?

答案: If a policy or procedure presented in your response needs authorization, seek approval from a supervisor or executive before writing.

12、 A subject line in a direct reply letter

答案: generally refers in abbreviated form to previous correspondence and/or summarizes a message.

13、 Which of the following is the most effective opening sentence for a direct reply letter?

答案: Yes, we can put together a corporate travel package that will meet your needs and fit your budget.

14、 Shannon is writing a direct reply letter to a potential client. In the body of the letter, she will be answering several questions and wants her responses to be logical and readable. What should she do?

答案: Place the answers in a numbered or bulleted list.

15、 Which of the following sentences most effectively presents promotional materials in a letter responding to a customer inquiry?

答案: You will find that our top-selling host gift baskets not only welcome your guests but also save you money and time compared to individually purchasing and assembling your host baskets on site.

16、 Kim is following the three-part plan to write a direct claim letter about a problem with her digital communication service bundle. What should she put in her opening?

答案: A clear description of the desired action

17、 Which of the following openings is most appropriate for a direct claim letter?

答案: Please process a refund for $68 to reimburse us the amount we were overcharged for our banquet.

18、 Joaquin will use the three-step writing plan for his direct claim letter. In the body of the letter, Joaquin will

答案: identify enclosed copies of all pertinent documents.

19、 Which of the following is the most appropriate opening for an adjustment letter granting a claim?

答案: The enclosed check for $78, which covers the cost of your dinner, demonstrates our desire to satisfy our customers and earn their confidence.

20、 Which of the following represents the most appropriate apology for an adjustment letter?

答案: We understand your reliance on a high-performance router and apologize for the incomplete installation of your DataServe router.

21、 Most of the workplace messages you write will likely deal with routine matters that require straightforward answers using the indirect method.

答案: 错误

22、 In block letter style, headings are flush left, but paragraphs and some other elements are indented.

答案: 错误

23、 You will sound more professional and sincere if you include a sentence such as Thank you for your cooperation in the closing paragraph of an information- request letter.

答案: 错误

24、 Jane’s letter will respond to a customer inquiry. Her letter should not only answer the questions but also promote her business and its products and services.

答案: 正确

25、 I have before me your e-mail inquiry dated October 9 is an effective opening for a direct reply letter.

答案: 错误

26、  If you must provide large amounts of data or answer many questions in your direct reply letter, make your letter more readable with graphic devices such as lists, tables, headings, boldface, or italics.

答案: 正确

27、 When writing a direct reply letter to a customer, refer only to the product in question. Mentioning other products would be considered rude and presumptuous.

答案: 错误

28、 Do not hesitate to contact me is an effective example of closing pleasantly in a direct reply letter.

答案: 错误

29、 If the remedy for your claim is not obvious, use the indirect pattern in your claim letter. 

答案: 错误

30、 If you are responding favorably to your customer’s claim, the best opening is an apology.

答案: 错误

Unit 5 Persuasive Messages 第五章 说服性写作 第五单元测验

1、 Tanya is planning a persuasive message. What should she do in her opening?

答案: Ask a stimulating question.

2、 When using the indirect strategy in a persuasive message, you should place the reasons and explanations

答案: before the main idea.

3、 Professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy in their sales letters because it is effective. What does AIDA represent?

答案: Attention, interest, desire, and action

4、 In the body of your persuasive message, you will reduce resistance by

答案: anticipating arguments and offering counterarguments.

5、 Roy needs to write a persuasive message to his boss. What would you tell Roy to place in his closing?

答案: Motivate your boss to take action.

6、 Which of the following messages would most likely require the indirect strategy to persuade?

答案: Requesting favors and action from coworkers

7、 Select the most effective opening for a persuasive letter that invites a state representative to speak at your organization’s Flag Day celebration.

答案: Your patriotism and leadership in the House of Representatives have improved the quality of life across our state.

8、 Choose the best closing for a message persuading the president of your organization to accept your benefits proposal.

答案: Contacting me by December 1 about your support of this new benefits plan will allow me to present this proposal at the next strategic planning session.

9、 Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization?

答案: Asking employees to accept a pay cut to avoid layoffs or plant closings

10、 You want to propose a workplace change to your employer. Which of these is the best advice for you?

答案: Focus on how much money the proposed change will save the company.

11、 Which of the following messages to subordinates would use a direct approach instead of an indirect or persuasive strategy?

答案: Instructions to operate the new phone system installed in all offices

12、 Graciella is making a persuasive complaint at work. Which of these sentences will be most effective in achieving her goal?

答案: For the past two weeks, fax machine No. 223- 51 has been unavailable to complete essential business for 25 of our employees due to incomplete service. Please ensure our equipment is repaired by Friday.

13、 Mikhail’s claim has been denied once. Now, he is writing a second persuasive claim letter to his digital media services company asking for a promised rebate package. Because he expects resistance, what should he do?

答案: Appeal to the receiver’s sense of responsibility and pride in the company’s good name.

14、 The opener for a sales message should be

答案: stimulating, relevant, honest, and short (1-5 lines).

15、 Techniques to elicit audience desire and overcome reader resistance in a marketing message include all of the following except

答案: application forms.

16、 Which of the following is the most effective emotional appeal?

答案: Surround yourself in the uncompromising safety and luxury of a Lincoln¾because you’ve earned it.

17、 Use an emotional appeal when the

答案: product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential.

18、 Which of the following most effectively illustrates reader benefits and elicits desire?

答案: Going on a walking tour of Europe will allow you to visit small villages, meet and converse with the locals, and dine on authentic cuisine.

19、 Which of the following illustrates a testimonial?

答案: After completing your training, I received job offers from three interviews in one week!

20、 Which of the following is the most effective closing for a sales message?

答案: If your sales don’t increase at least 10 percent after your salespeople complete our “Closing the Deal” training, you get a full refund. Use our toll-free number to call me by August 1 and begin training on September 1.

21、 You will need to use persuasion if you anticipate resistance or if you must prepare before you can present your ideas effectively.

答案: 正确

22、 In an invitation to speak at your college honor society meeting, you tell the reader that she will be providing inspiration to current business students and future business owners. You are using an indirect benefit to persuade your reader.

答案: 正确

23、 Directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually follow the indirect pattern.

答案: 错误

24、 Your claim message will be most effective if you make a reasonable and valid request, present a logical case with clear facts, and display some anger and emotion.

答案: 错误

25、 Michelle needs to sell her idea to remodel their business waiting room to her boss. Michelle is more likely to succeed if she can base her argument on saving or earning money. 

答案: 正确

26、 You will receive a free one-year subscription to Netflix when you purchase any Sony flat-panel television is an example of a rational appeal.

答案: 正确

27、 Because postscripts make letters appear poorly organized and unprofessional, you should avoid adding them to sales letters.

答案: 错误

28、 Your e-mail sales message must have a formal, concise, clear subject line such as Price List Fall 2014 From Parker and Parker.

答案: 错误

29、 Testimonials used in your online sales message are best sprinkled throughout the copy.

答案: 正确

30、 An effective technique when writing a persuasive claim letter is to suggest that the reader intentionally created the problem.

答案: 错误



Unit 6 Negative Messages 第六章 负面消息沟通 第六单元测验

1、 Every business person will need to write a negative business message that may disappoint, irritate, or anger the receiver; these messages must be written

答案: thoughtfully.

2、 Using the indirect strategy to prepare the reader in a bad-news message

答案: helps you keep the reader’s attention until you can explain the reasons for the bad news.

3、 You will use the direct strategy for your message when the bad news is not damaging, when the receiver might overlook the bad news, when directness is preferred, and when

答案: firmness is necessary.

4、 Which of the following is the most important part of a negative message?

答案: An explanation of the reasons for the bad news

5、 Which of the following bad-news letters is best suited to a direct strategy?

答案: An announcement of changes in business services

6、 Which of these patterns is typical for bad-news messages presented in the indirect strategy?

答案: Buffer, reasons, bad news, and goodwill closing

7、 The direct pattern, with the bad news first, would be appropriate when you are

答案: cancelling your weekly sales meeting.

8、 Joey must send a bad-news message to a client, telling her that he will be unable to meet a delivery deadline. What should Joey do first?

答案: Analyze the bad news to see how it will affect his reader.

9、 Porter Grace, RN, is declining an invitation to speak about the health benefits of juice bars at the fall conference of the Health and Fitness Trainers Association (HAFTA). Which of the following is the most effective buffer?

答案: HAFTA members must be looking forward to your annual fall conference to be held in Phoenix this year.

10、 Which of the following is not a helpful tip for apologizing in a negative-news message?

答案: Focus on your regret.

11、 Maya has decided to apologize briefly in the buffer of her bad-news letter to a client. Which of the following is the best apology?

答案: We sincerely apologize for the problems you experienced with your espresso machine. To prevent recurrence of this problem, we will recalibrate the heating element at no charge to you.

12、 Which of these messages most effectively conveys empathy in a bad-news message?

答案: You have every right to be disappointed. I am truly sorry that our product failed to perform as expected.

13、 You must decline an employee’s request to telecommute three days per week. Which of the following statements best explains why this bad news is necessary?

答案: Your daily presence in the office is important to ensure regular customer contact.

14、 Doris is declining a request for a monetary contribution from a charitable organization to which her employer, BMI Industries, usually donates. Which of the following most effectively implies the refusal?

答案: Although our profits are being reinvested in BMI Industries this year, we hope to be able to contribute next year.

15、 Matt must send a refusal letter to Ryan, who recently interviewed for a job. Which of the following will be the best closing?

答案: We wish you all the best in your job search.

16、 Which of the following would best refuse a customer claim?

答案: Although a full refund cannot be issued, we would be happy to repair your DVD player for a nominal fee.

17、 Which of the following explanations is most effective when denying a customer’s request for credit?

答案: Although your credit rating does not meet our minimum standards, we would be happy to reconsider your application if you add a cosigner.

18、 You are writing a memo to employees announcing the loss of free parking. Which of the following would be the best closing sentence in this bad-news memo to employees?

答案: If you would like to sign up for our ride-sharing program to save on parking expenses, please see the receptionist.

19、 What is the best advice for presenting the bad-news portion of your negative message to employees?

答案: Position the bad news so that it does not stand out.

20、 Which of the following is the goal of the communicator using the indirect strategy for a bad-news message?

答案: Be a compassionate, yet effective communicator.

21、  If your receiver might overlook the bad news, it is appropriate to use the direct strategy.

答案: 正确

22、 Thank you so much for asking me to speak at the university’s graduation ceremony is an effective buffer in a refusal letter.

答案: 错误

23、 Using the following statement in an explanation of the reasons for the bad news could help the receiver to accept the message: Although we would like to consider installing the heating system you have offered, we are seeking a more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly unit.

答案: 正确

24、 Company policy prevents us from exchanging your defective wireless router more than 30 days after you purchased it is an example of an effective explanation.

答案: 错误

25、 To take the spotlight off the bad news, place it at the end of a paragraph.

答案: 错误

26、 You should never include resale or sales promotion material in a negative-news message.

答案: 错误

27、 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me is a professional way to close a refusal letter.

答案: 错误

28、 To end a letter denying her customer’s claim, Candy should include a sentence looking forward to future business.

答案: 正确

29、 In denial letters you must establish the proper tone and use you statements such as You would have known cash refunds are not available if you had read the receipt.

答案: 错误

30、 If you are worried that the indirect strategy seems manipulative, you should use the direct strategy to break the bad news bluntly even though the direct strategy may cause hard feelings and pain.

答案: 错误

Unit 7 Business Reports & Proposals 第七章 商务报告与计划书 第七单元测验

1、 Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are

答案: informational reports.

2、 Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informative report?

答案: A summary of information presented at a recent conference for technical writers.

3、 Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report?

答案: A report recommending an antiterrorism security system for mass transit

4、 When you organize a report indirectly, in which order should you present your ideas?

答案: Description of the problem,  facts, conclusions, and recommendations

5、 You are writing a short, informal report that will stay inside your organization. Which format would be most appropriate?

答案: Memo or e-mail format

6、 Typical sources for factual information in an informal report include

答案: company records,  observation, and electronic resources.

7、 Your current assignment is to condense a 200-page government policy report on oil drilling in Alaska into a shorter report for Sierra Club members to read. What kind of report would you most likely write?

答案: Summary report

8、 Your company currently processes its payroll internally but is considering the use of an external accounting firm. You are in charge of determining whether your company should proceed with this plan. What kind of report would you most likely write?

答案: Feasibility report

9、 You have organized the findings section of your information report by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how. This pattern is called

答案: journalism style.

10、 In what order should you organize your ideas when you believe your audience will be agreeable to the suggestions in your justification/recommendation report?

答案: Identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation, and provide necessary action.

11、 Which of the following is not needed in a feasibility report?

答案: Persuasive techniques

12、 Thomas is in charge of taking formal minutes during an Institute of Internal Auditors chapter meeting. Which of the following is the best advice?

答案: Record voting results and actions taken.

13、 Which of the following represents the best use of language in report writing?

答案: Seventy-five percent of people agree…

14、 Headings that show the outline of a report are called

答案: functional headings.

15、 Which of the following statements about documenting data is not accurate?

答案: Documenting data is not necessary if you put the information in your own words.

16、 Which of the following statements would need to be documented in a report?

答案: The Fujita-Pearson tornado scale rates tornadoes with wind speeds of 261 to 318 miles per hour as F5 storms.

17、 What is the purpose of a letter or memo of transmittal?

答案: To present an overview of the report

18、 What information is included in the appendix of a formal report?

答案: Questionnaires

19、 Which of the following statements is accurate?

答案: Business proposals are persuasive documents used to obtain approval for the proposed projects. 

20、 Which of the following statement is incorrect?

答案: To show you are knowledgeable in the field, you should prepare executive using as many jargons or technical terms as possible so as to impress your boss.

21、 The most common type of report in the workplace is the formal report.

答案: 错误

22、 Based on their function, business reports typically fall into one of two categories: instructional or persuasive.

答案: 错误

23、 Use the indirect strategy for all analytic reports.

答案: 错误

24、 If you are preparing a report in manuscript format for an outside organization, print the report on your company letterhead.

答案: 错误

25、 The first step in preparing a report is to sit down and begin writing immediately; this technique allows you to capture your best ideas quickly.

答案: 错误

26、 Informal business reports generally fall into one of six categories. However, in many instances the category boundaries overlap and distinctions are not always clear-cut.

答案: 正确

27、 You should organize all informational reports topically.

答案: 错误

28、 When your reader may oppose your recommendation, you should begin the report by announcing the recommendation directly.

答案: 错误

29、 Formal meeting minutes provide a record of old business, new business, announcements, and reports, as well as the precise wording of motions. 

答案: 正确

30、 Although citing sources in a formal report is essential, you do not need to cite sources in an informal report.

答案: 错误

Unit 8 Employment Messages 第八章 求职类文书 第八单元测验

1、 Begin the job search by studying the job market and

答案: identifying your interests, goals, and qualifications.

2、 Which of the following statements is most accurate?

答案: You make better career decisions if you match your interests to specific career requirements.

3、 Kendra is searching for a job and wants to use electronic sources. Which of the following will probably be her best source of online job listings?

答案: Specific company Web sites

4、 Because job competition is stiff, you must have a customized résumé. Having a customized résumé means that you

答案: prepare a special  résumé for every position you want.

5、 The primary way to make a résumé persuasive is to

答案: customize it to fit each company and position.

6、 You are just graduating from college and have little employment experience, yet you want to put together a persuasive résumé. What would be the best résumé style to use?

答案: Functional résumé

7、 Which of the following is the best advice about résumé length?

答案: Because recruiters and hiring managers want to know your skills, make it as long as needed to sell yourself.

8、 Which of these is the best tip for arranging the parts of a persuasive résumé?

答案: Always begin your résumé with your name and contact information.

9、 Which of the following is the best Career Objective for a résumé?

答案: An accounting position in which 10 years’ experience and a license as a CPA will allow me to assist the company with payroll, employee benefits, and governmental tax and records reporting

10、 What statement best describes the Summary of Qualifications portion of a résumé?

答案: Smart job seekers add a summary of their most impressive qualifications to their résumés to save the time of recruiters and hiring managers.

11、 Which of the following statements describing employment achievements would be most effective on a résumé?

答案: Achieved 125 percent of production goal for three consecutive quarters

12、 When writing your job application letter, avoid the biggest error most applicants make, which is

答案: making the letter too generic.

13、 A job opening has been announced. Which of these answer choices will be the best opening sentence in an application letter?

答案: Dr. Matthew Wang, IT director at Qinghua University, told me that you have an opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking, data management, and innovations.

14、 Which of these statements about the body of a cover letter is most accurate?

答案: Share your experiences demonstrating your initiative and ability to learn easily because employers seek employees with these qualities.

15、 Choose the best closing sentence for a cover letter.

答案: To add to your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an interview.

16、 Which of the following is the best tip for creating a successful cover letter?

答案: Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to reduce overuse of “I.”

17、 Choose the best sentence to present an applicant’s skills in an application letter.

答案: Helping customers has been a pleasure in previous jobs, and serving your customers would be equally rewarding.

18、 Which of these is the best statement to present a job candidate’s information in the body of a cover letter?

答案: Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting dysfunctional families in crisis, and recently I’ve taken seminars in family dynamics to develop the additional skills that your ad indicates are essential.

19、 In writing a letter of reference, you should do the following except

答案: Say yes even when you don’t know that person very well

20、 Which part of the writing plan for the personal statement is inaccurate?

答案: Tell your personal compelling story. Bragging is allowed and necessary.

21、 Your primary purpose in preparing a persuasive résumé is to obtain an interview.

答案: 正确

22、 The résumé format most popular with recruiters and hiring managers is the functional résumé because it focuses on the job applicant’s skills and abilities related to the position sought.

答案: 错误

23、 It is unethical to present your grade point average (GPA) as a calculation based on the grades in your major courses only.

答案: 错误

24、 Because they expect you to showcase your strengths and hide your weaknesses, employers say it is acceptable to self-promote and distort facts on your résumé.

答案: 错误

25、 A cover letter doesn’t always need to accompany your résumé; for instance, if you send your résumé by fax or e-mail, a cover letter is not necessary.

答案: 错误

26、 The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing cover letters is making them sound too generic.

答案: 正确

27、 If an employment position has been announced and applicants are being solicited, you can write your cover letter using a direct approach.

答案: 正确

28、 Although a résumé must be perfect, a few errors or typos in a cover letter are acceptable.

答案: 错误

29、 As an applicant, you’d better not to provide the referee your updated information, because you don’t want to influence how the referee writes.

答案: 错误

30、 Unlike the statement of purpose, in writing the personal statement, you should highlight your personal motivation for applying, how you developed your research interests, and any significant experiences, challenges, or accomplishments.

答案: 正确

Unit 9 Social Business (Goodwill) Messages 第九章 社交(友好)讯息 第九单元测验

1、 What is the best advice for writing goodwill messages?

答案: Send a goodwill message promptly.

2、 Goodwill messages should be short, selfless, specific, spontaneous, and

答案: sincere.

3、 Businesses often write letters expressing thanks to which of these receivers?

答案: Customers who complain

4、 Which of the following is the best opening for a note expressing thanks for a gift?

答案: Thank you, Elena, for the e-reader commemorating my twenty years with Brown Sales; it will make a perfect travel companion.

5、 Isabel is responding to a congratulatory note she received from a colleague. Which of the following is the best sentence to include in her response?

答案: Thanks for your kind words regarding my promotion.

6、 Which of the following would be least effective in a sympathy note?

答案: I am sorry to hear your sad news; but if I may be of any help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

7、 When writing a message to express condolences, you should mention the loss tactfully, recognize the good qualities of deceased, assure the receiver of your concern, offer assistance, and

答案: conclude on a reassuring note.

8、 Which of these statements regarding the use of e-mail for goodwill messages is most accurate?

答案: If you frequently communicate via e-mail with the intended receiver and are certain this e-mail will be received, you may send a goodwill message via e-mail.

9、 Many business communicators are intimidated when they must write a message expressing thanks, recognition, or sympathy.

答案: 正确

10、 In writing goodwill messages, you need not worry about promptness as you do in writing claims and other business messages.

答案: 错误

11、 A personally written message will have much more impact on your reader than a ready-made card.

答案: 正确

12、 Writing letters of appreciation to customers who complain can be a smart business strategy.

答案: 正确

13、 When responding to a letter of congratulations, minimize your achievements or suggest that the sender has exaggerated your good qualities to appear humble.

答案: 错误

14、 Sympathy notes are probably more difficult to write than any other type of message.

答案: 正确

15、 You should never send a goodwill messages via e-mail.

答案: 错误



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