Foundation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Beihang University) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m99838

Chapter1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Era Chapter 1 Test : Innovation and entrepreneurship era

1、 Choose the right statement

答案: Innovation practice is not high risk, and there is innovation spirit in all fields and industries.

2、 Choose the wrong statement

答案: John sees his cousin make a lot of money selling three no masks. He thinks that under this special epidemic period, it would be lucky to have masks. This is a rare opportunity to start a business.

3、 Who are they?Foundation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Beihang University) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m99838第1张

答案: They are cartoon characters called “entrepreneurial babies”.Analysis: there is an introduction at the end of the video. It is mainly used to urge students to complete the whole course, and also used to introduce the special emoji of this course designed by the course designer.

4、 Suppose you have a cousin who came back to his hometown to start his own business after graduating from university. He heard that you have taken the innovation and entrepreneurship course. And he asked you what can help him improve his success rate. Which of the following options do you choose to guide him? Choose carefully. Don’t mess with your cousin!

答案: Having a knowledge of the entrepreneurial environment and preferential policies of hometown, and trying to get a little more support on venues, funds, etc.;
Having a knowledge of the urban planning of the hometown.;
Avoiding projects prohibited and restricted by the city.


Chapter 2 Entrepreneurial Team Chapter 2 Test: Entrepreneurial Team

1、 Which of the following statement or practice is wrong??(single choice)

答案: Some people in the team leave after a period of time. After a while, new people came. It’s a lot of trouble for people to come and go. So what one can do is done by himself. There is no need to find a partner.

2、 Who is more suitable to be a partner in the following choices?(single choice)

答案: Joe is the founder’s classmate and roommate, and he has the same ambition as the founder.

3、 An entrepreneurial team is composed of three people. After half a year’s efforts, it has made a product prototype and started to push it to the market. At this time, one person in the team thinks that it’s important to achieve profits quickly, one thinks that it’s important to accumulate users quickly to occupy the market, and one thinks that improving products and providing users with better experience is the primary goal in this stage. What to do when team members disagree with each other? Which of the following is wrong:(single choice)

答案: They should work independently and advance at the same time according to their different goals.

4、 You have a good idea or a good project and decide to start a business. When building and managing a team, which of the followings are possible and better practices?(multiple choices)

答案: Recruit partners among schoolmates and attract people who need to join.;
After one month’s efforts, three students follow you to join the team to start a business. After negotiation, each person invests 10000 yuan, and you own 70% of the equity. Other schoolmates also own different shares of equity according to their responsibilities. And a partnership agreement is signed. You also reserve 10% of the equity.;
Half a year later, one of the partners want to withdraw. You are optimistic about the prospect of the project. So you pay 20000 yuan to buy back all the shares he owns.

Chapter 3 Entrepreneurial Opportunities Chapter 3 Test: Entrepreneurial Opportunities

1、 Which of the following business opportunity is not possible??

答案: The “class selection” of very semester is the most intense and nervous time in the university. Some students can’t select the hot courses they want to take. The solution that Zheng thought of was to develop the “designated class-selection” app to provide paid services for the students. He thought that this not only met the market needs, but also could be mutually beneficial. It was a business opportunity worth investment. Wang was inspired, the school has a physical exercise requirements: In the specified period of time, swipe card and exercise; the rest of the time, you can do free exercise. Every semester, there are rules to run a certain number of times. There will be a bonus point for the final sports score after the specified number of times. Some students don’t want to run. Wang thinks “designated running” is a business opportunity.

2、 Which of the following innovations does not use the divergent 6W method?

答案: When an American social network enters Japan, it continues its existing framework and design without considering the social habits and personality characteristics of Japanese young people.

3、 Which of the following statements or practices is wrong?

答案: Due to the lack of start-up funds, Team A decided to borrow 200,000 yuan from parents and friends, while team B overdrawn 200,000 yuan from bank credit card to start a business. In this case, the funds of both teams are not their own, and they face the same risks.

4、 “IOT Chip Bracelet” entrepreneurial project needs to be further improved before the product is officially released. The founder Wu Xiaoxuan knows technology but does not have professional entrepreneurial understanding. Now he comes to ask you how to improve his product. Which of the following suggestions are reasonable for the team?(multiple-choice question)

答案: First release a product that meets the core functions, and then quickly launch the next new product according to the market feedback.;
Through market research, we can understand the needs of the target users in detail and improve the products based on the market.;
We need to work out a business timetable to make clear when the product will be officially released.






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阿布查查 » Foundation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Beihang University) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m99838