跨文化交际(广西师范大学) 知到智慧树答案2024 z6830

第一章 单元测试

1、Culture can be defined as  ( )

A Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned andpassed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
B A system of meaning.
C Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication
D A system of communication.
答案  Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication

2、Two important factors responsible in closely connecting the countries of the world and making the world a smaller place today include  ( ).

Aand and water
B War and peace
C Religion and Government
D Communication and trade
答案  Communication and trade

3、What are the 5 stories of the Global Village, as mentioned in the text book?

A Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Tao
B Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, Green
C Western, Marxist, Christian, Jewish, Blue
Dove, Hope, Peace, Progress, Truth
答案  Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, Green

4、“Learning about” a culture involves learning basic things related to that culture such as its history whereas “learning to do” a culture involves understanding why people in that culture behave and act the way they do.

A 对
B 错
答案  对

5、问题uring the first level of cultural awareness, you start connecting with people from the different culture and begin understanding them.

A 对
B 错
答案  错


第二章 单元测试

1、The belief that your cultural group is superior to that of others is known as ).

A Ageism
B Cultural Inferiority
C Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority
D  Levels of Culture
答案  Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority

2、What are subcultures?

A The many different kinds of prejudices many people have.
B The belief that your own culture is far superior to that of others.
C The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.
D They are overgeneralizations designed to hurt others.
答案  The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.

3、The different Levels of Culture include ).

A National
B Regional
C Generational
D  All the options are incorrect
答案  All the options are incorrect

4、Generalizations are hurtful/harmful. Stereotypes are helpful.

A 对
B 错
答案  错

5、To avoid stereotyping, one must avoid overgeneralizing.

A 对
B 错
答案  对

第三章 单元测试

1、问题ow context communicationis communication that occurs mostly through language.

A 对
B 错
答案  对

2、High context communication is communication that occurs mostly through language.

A 对
B 错
答案  错

3、What are examples of behavior codes?

A Books and magazines
B Body language and social roles
C Words people say and texts messages
Dosters and past relationships
答案  Body language and social roles

4、What is one of the major sources of confusion, misunderstanding and frustration in cross-cultural communication?

A The difference in languages spoken by people from difference countries.
B The difference in age between the people communicating.
C The difference in jobs between the people communicating.
D The difference between high and low-context communication.
答案  The difference between high and low-context communication.

5、For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what might be a source of frustration?

A Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person.
B Not feeling confident with their speaking ability.
C The poor public transportation in the United States.
D Not being able to connect with new friends on WeChat.
答案  Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person.






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阿布查查 » 跨文化交际(广西师范大学) 知到智慧树答案2024 z6830